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Intro to B.E.I.S.M. ™ (Play-shop) 

  Intuitive Development & Mindfulness Method


A fun and interactive zoom space where you will play with the five frequencies of B.E.I.S.M.™ This system catalyzes your own spiritual realization and your ability to consciously sense into positive futures for yourself and our collective.


You are invited to bring any intuitive tools you use regularly to this experience: TAROT or ORACLE cards, pendulums or any other tools that you are comfortable using to ‘tap' into your inner voice, higher self, great mystery, universal intelligence, or “Spidey senses."


  • Use your body as a pendulum to access the sub & super conscious matrix

  • Use your senses & feelings to refine your “way” of understanding your patterns 

  • Recognize your vibrational strengths and identify a key area seeking upgrades

  • You will have ample practice activities with the entire group & in small group or paired sharing activities.


This B.E.I.S.M. ™ Intuitive development & Mindfulness Method is valued and appreciated by both my reading & mentoring clients for delivering results including: reduction in “stress related” physical symptoms such as headaches and improved sleep, enhancement of energetic boundaries, and increased intuitive abilities resulting in greater peace and happiness. This system is also a way of fostering higher frequencies for more focus on our similarities as human beings while allowing ample room for unique individual expression. 


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Playshop Registration Fee - $45

The Mindful Seer - Kristin Geeslin © 2024 All Rights Reserved

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